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The History of Coffee in Indonesia

Coffee was not a native plant to the archipelago. In the 17 th of century when Indonesia was still under dutch occupation, The VOC brought Arabica coffee plants to Indonesia. They were interested in growing the plants and sought to break the worldwide Arab monopoly on the coffee trade. The Dutch colonial government initially planted coffee around Batavia (Jakarta) and as far South Sukabumi and Bogor. Coffee plantation were later establish in East Java,Central Java, West Java and in part of Sumatera and Sulawesi.

Top Quality

The best quality of coffee that we will serve


Honesty, responsibility and discipline are the three pillars of commitment in business


Newest crop for green bean

Fast Respond

The most important thing in increasing customer satisfaction

Great Coffee

We rigorously uphold our commitment to provide coffee lovers with the finest Indonesian coffee.

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We rigorously uphold our commitment to provide coffee lovers with the finest Indonesian coffee. Our roast masters have optimized roasting techniques to accentuate each coffee’s taste profile based on the processing method and origin. 

Arabica Arjuna Malang

Arabica Temanggung

Arabica Java Ijen - Raung

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RUKO URBANA PLACE  Jalan Merpati Raya No.A9, Sawah Lama, Kec. Ciputat, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15411
